Sea Spring Seeds at Hampton Court Flower Show
Shows for 2025
Every year we attend a few selected shows, particularly over the summer months. So if you live close to one come and say hello to us, and if you are a regular customer please introduce yourself.
We will be selling vegetable seeds and useful, carefully selected garden sundries. In addition, at the Cornwall Spring Flower Show we will be selling chilli, sweet pepper and tomato plug plants, ready for growing on. At the summer shows we will be selling mature chilli plants in 1 litre pots. These will mostly be a selection of attractive, bushy and colourful varieties, with a range of heat levels, that are perfect as edible house/conservatory/greenhouse plants. We will also have plenty (unless we have sold out) of Dorset Naga plants with fruit on them, and ready for potting on into a bigger pot.
5-6 April: Cornwall Spring Flower Show, Wadebridge, Cornwall
1-6th July: Hampton Court Palace Flower Show (we are in the Allotment area)
31st July – 4th August: RHS Hyde Hall Garden Flower Show, Chelmsford, Essex
2-7th September: RHS Wisley Flower Show, Wisley Gardens, Woking, Surrey